One Room Challenge, Week 5!


Hello friends!

I hope that you’re keeping sane with all of the developments over the last week. I for one have been checking out and needing more rest than usual, as I am emotionally overwhelmed & disappointed.

On social media, there’s been a major influx of awareness and also people who are just checking a box by posting BLM related content with no intention of implementing it locally. Then there’s a group of (rightfully so) upset black people and Afro-latinos posting many needed truths, quotes, images, protest documentation, etc. I mean, One Room Challenge even canceled this week, which was impressive! But I felt the show must go on, at least for the black designers…

As a mother to a black son, and wife to a black husband, it’s been a challenge to keep positive during these times. I am trying my best to take in just as much as I can handle, and living life otherwise. I myself have gone through a lot [of racism] in my career so I am quite familiar with all of the rage right now. I just hope it is not in vain, and I hope some changes are made for the sake of my son, and the next generation.

That being said, there haven’t been many developments other than waiting for product in my one room challenge.. I did however install the corkboard/whiteboards (missing one on lower left) that I intend to fill with inspiration. So exciting! I always wanted a space like this, where I can pin up whatever I see that inspires me…almost a makeshift vision board + photos of family & friends. Also, our the latest apartments have not had magnetized fridges and I don’t know where to stick my magnets! My magnets will make a return with these whiteboards! :)

I also received the quote for custom framing a few of my pieces, and my eyes turned into dollar signs like a Looney Tunes character. Haa! I always forget how expensive custom framing is—and honestly I should not be surprised. While working in NYC, we would frame art for min. $600 a piece, and the client wouldn’t bat an eye.

But the way my bank account is set up…I cannot invest that amount (right now) for custom framing. So, I have decided to get store bought frames for 2 prints & 1 photograph. The other items, a textile that needed TLC, and an old college art project that needed some respect—I’ve chosen to custom frame.

The one piece I HAVE to make a DIY frame for (I know, overachiever!), is the canvas that I got custom made by the artist Roma Osowo. The painting is composed of black finger dots (which represent people), and spaced out gold dots in random but calculated locations. It is based on one of my favorite verses in the bible, Romans 12:2.

This is the way most people remember the verse (NIV):

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

But as always, I like the deep translation of the message, because it just gets to the nitty gritty:

“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

The verse is even more relevant to me now, in today’s climate. I feel I need to be reminded of this every day, so I located it right over our desks!

Back to framing—this piece definitely needs a beautiful floating frame to complement Roma’s profound work, since it will be the main piece in our office space.

My artist neighbors offered me their studio space & tools to create the frame, so wish me luck (and follow my journey) while I tackle making my own frame!

Have a blessed week everyone, keep your spirits high about the state of the World, and do your best to donate/contribute/protest/teach. Whatever your part, I hope you are more aware and helping in any way you can.